Silhouette of Big Muskie against a sunset

This page contains pictures of the

Big Muskie

- a giant Bucyrus-Erie walking dragline in Southeast Ohio. Efforts to preserve The Big Muskie as an historical museum and tourist attraction for the region have failed and she is being cut up.To learn more details about her, please go to the Big Muskie - Remembering the walking giant page.

Please note: I have purposely made the pictures large for your viewing enjoyment. Please be patient and allow them to load.
Big Muskie
Big Muskie
Big Muskie
Big Muskie
Big Muskie's bucket
Big Muskie's boom

What can you do to help? - now just links to Government Officials & News Media

Return to the Big Muskie - Remembering the walking giant page

Other Big Muskie Links

Big Muskie's bucket being moved to a final memorial site near McConnelsville, Ohio

Pioneer Steam & Gas Engine Society of NW Pennsylvania site

© 2001-2015 Blake Malkamaki